Our Words

Our core value is deeply rooted in the slow fashion, slow consumption path of purchasing. Our bags are made in limited quantities which are released in small batches to encourage careful consumption, with a buy one - buy right ethos, reducing the effects of fast-fashion consumerism.
Our small production runs will always be based off demand by the consumer. We want to make our voice heard that we don't produce throw away fashion "it" bags, we place great emphasis on the longevity and timelessness of our bags. Designed to withstand everyday activities, out stripping seasonal trends, their intrinsic qualities will stand the test of time.  
Every bag is handmade by local artisans in India using a by-product of 100% recycled nylon material. We are incredibly conscious of minimizing our footprint on the planet, and purposely sourced recycled nylon. By reducing the production of new materials, and using a recycled nylon thread, we are supporting the demand for recycled materials in India, encouraging important manufacturing practices in a country that is known for mass textile production.  
We stick to our commitment of sustainability all the way to your doorstep by using packaging made from recycled and compostable materials. 


Thoughtfully designed in New Zealand and responsibly made in India our totes are made from 100% recycled nylon. We use the highest grade GSM nylon thread, with a distinctive weave, and natural dyes. The hand-pressed embossed labels are crafted from deadstock cowhide, reflecting our commitment to sustainable consumer practices.